Sergio Javier Molina Martínez, Counselor of the Federal Judiciary and representative of the Federal Judicial Power in the Coordination Council for the Implementation of the Reform of the Labor Justice System, visited the city of Cancun, this Friday, October 15. As one of the activities on his agenda, he presented his new legal work entitled "The New Labor Justice System in Mexico" at the Universidad Anáhuac Cancún.
During the event, he was accompanied by various personalities involved in the implementation of the legal reforms that occurred in 2017 and 2019 in matters of labor justice, freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Among the guests attended the Presiding Magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice of Quintana Roo, José Antonio León Ruiz, who served as presenter of the work and the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Quintana Roo, Catalina Portillo Navarro.
Said authorities highlighted during the presentation the importance of the book in the academic, legal and business community of the State and mentioned the progress made by the institutions they represent so that the state of Quintana Roo can become one of the states that will enter the new model. of justice in the second stage of implementation.

The presenters highlighted the book's chapter, which covers highly relevant topics ranging from the principles that should govern the new jurisdictional procedures, the technological and digital elements necessary for the operation of the new justice system, adequate legal defense, conciliation as a bet on this new model of justice and the last one that includes 78 essential points to delve into the content of the reform, among others.
Local authorities recognized the contributions and serious analysis made of the labor issues in the book and evaluated its content as a must for the student community.
The event was broadcast on social networks and in person with reduced capacity.
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